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Low Carb Diet For Weight Loss – How Much You Loss In 1 Month

Low Carb Diet For Weight Loss

The low carb diet for weight loss depends on reducing the intake of carbohydrates and increasing the amount of protein and healthy fats in the diet, and it is one of the safest systems for losing weight and getting rid of obesity, as it works to burn fats accumulated in the body, especially fats concentrated in the abdominal area. Many different systems and foods.

Low Carb system

The Low Carb diet depends on reducing the percentage of carbohydrates in the body by eating few foods full of starches such as (pasta, bread, sugar, and others).

Carbohydrates and sugars are replaced by increasing the amount of protein and healthy fats in the meal (such as fish, meat, vegetable protein)

The Low Carb diet varies from person to person depending on the nature of each body, there is one for vegetarians and another for pregnant and lactating women, and during fasting, and another for diabetics.

Low Carb system drinks

Drinks that are forbidden and permitted on the Low Carb diet

All hot drinks are allowed on the Low Carb diet, but without adding sugar.

It is preferable not to consume cold juices that contain a percentage of sugar, such as bananas and others.

It is forbidden to consume soft drinks of all kinds because they contain a high percentage of sugar, including those called zero sugar.

You can eat fresh low-sugar juices such as (orange juice, apple juice, sugar-free lemon juice).

Meals for the Low Carb diet

With the ability to replace meals with any of the previously mentioned foods permitted in the Low Carb diet.

1 potato + 3 dates + 3 spoons of almonds.

Lentil soup + apple.

Oatmeal consists of (4 tablespoons of oats + milk + 1 tablespoon of honey + a banana).

Omelette eggs + vegetable.

Vegetable salad with grilled chicken pieces

Shrimp salad with olive oil.

2 grilled fish + medium vegetable salad plate.

Half grilled chicken + medium vegetable salad plate.

Spinach + grilled chicken breast.

Medium vegetable salad plate.

3 tablespoons of beans + a quarter of a loaf of baladi bread.

2 boiled egg + a piece of cottage cheese + a quarter of a loaf.

A cup of milk + a piece of cottage cheese.

Low carb diet for vegetarians

The Low Carb diet depends on eating proteins from animal meat and poultry, and this comes against the nature of the diet of vegetarians, some of them eat fish only, and some of them eat milk and eggs, and there is another group that does not eat any type of dairy or animal products.

Examples of some foods that vegetarians can eat when following a Low Carb diet:

Low Carb system for pregnant and breastfeeding women

There are two types of the Low Carb diet for breastfeeding and pregnant women:

Those who follow the Low Carb diet for the first time: In that case, you must follow the seven systems regularly, with the number of days first and as follows:

Those that were already following the Low Carb diet and want to continue with it, and the system for them is as follows:

Food suitable for pregnant and breastfeeding women on the Low Carb diet

Firstly, the intermittent fasting system depends on two meals between each meal and the second 8 hours, so that the fasting hours become 16 hours, but during fasting hours it is allowed to drink water and hot herbal drinks (such as green tea, mint, anise, …), milk cannot be consumed during fasting times.

Ideas for diet meals Low Carb in intermittent fasting

First day

The first meal: It consists of protein and carbohydrates (a quarter of chicken or 3 slices of grilled meat without oil + medium rice dish + green salad plate).

The second meal: Consists of (a small bean dish + a piece of cottage cheese + a whole loaf of bread).

Second day

The first meal: It consists of protein and vegetables (a quarter of chicken or 3 slices of meat + medium rice plate + any kind of cooked vegetables + medium vegetable salad plate). All of this should related to low carb diet for weight loss.

The second meal: Consists of (a piece of cottage cheese + a whole loaf of my country + a cup of milk).

Third day

The first meal: It consists of (any type of grilled fish, 3 fish + a small green salad plate).

The second meal: It consists of (3 boiled eggs + a cup of milk + a small amount of nuts).

Note: Be sure to drink enough water daily, at a rate of at least 2 to 3 liters.

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