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How To Lose 2 To 3 Kg In A Week | What Will be the Perfect Diet

How To Lose 2 To 3 Kg In A Week

How to lose 2 to 3 kg in a week and make it perfect for health. Many people are unhappy with their weight. Also, many people want to lose weight, if possible, quickly. Find out what the possible repercussions of a rapid weight loss on the body are, as well as 8 tips to lose 2 kg in a week without risk for your health.

Is it possible to lose 2 kg in a week?

It is quite possible to lose 2 kg in a week. Moreover, weight loss is always faster in individuals affected by overweight than in people of normal weight – who have no interest in losing weight. In addition, weight loss involves a negative energy balance, that is, energy intake lower than daily calorie expenditure. Also, to lose 2 kg in a week, you need:

  1. Reduce your food intake, or at least modify them.
  2. Increase energy expenditure through physical activity.

Also, keep in mind that when you lose 2 to 3 kg in a week, this loss may correspond more to a loss of water than to a loss of “fat”.

The 8 best tips to lose 2 to 3 kg in a week

Tip # 1: Replace simple sugars with complex carbohydrates

The main benefit of complex carbohydrates is that it “smooths” blood sugar levels by limiting insulin spikes. However, it is the latter that promote the storage of fat. Also, to lose 2 kg in a week, choose complex carbohydrates with a low glycemic index: root vegetables (sweet potato, parsnip, turnip), legumes (lentils, chickpeas, white beans) and raw grains and pseudo-cereals (quinoa, buckwheat, amaranth, rye, fonio). Combine them with fibers to further lower their GI. You will then be full, less frustrated, and above all more inclined to lose weight quickly. In addition, it goes without saying that all simple sugars, such as sweets, alcohol and caloric desserts, should be avoided if you want to lose weight.

Tip # 2: Sufficient hydration, water-based

To lose 2 kg in a week, it is important to stay hydrated. First, because if weight loss is accompanied by moderate to intense physical activity, it is essential to compensate for the fluid loss. Second, because the hunger and thirst receptors in the brain are the same. Also, and very often, a feeling of hunger hides an unfulfilled thirst. In addition, drinking helps to better drain the toxins accumulated in the body. But metabolic waste hampers weight loss. Finally, and if your extra pounds are partly due to water retention, be aware that dehydration accentuates the phenomenon. It is therefore important to drink regularly. Most hydration should be done with water, but certain drinks, such as tea and herbal teas, can also help with weight loss. Alcohol and sugary drinks should of course be avoided.

Tip # 3: Boost Satiety

Some plants can speed up the onset of satiety, starting with mucilaginous plants, such as konjac, psyllium, chia or flax seeds, or mallow. The main characteristic of mucilages, plant substances, is to swell on contact with water, taking on a gelatinous consistency. Also, by taking a dose of the mucilaginous plant before each meal, one benefits from its “appetite suppressant”, cholesterol-lowering and hypoglycemic effects. These plants can be eaten in raw form, but are also available in capsule form. Make sure, moreover, to hydrate yourself well during each dose, to avoid any risk of digestive obstruction.

Tip # 4: Daily movement

It is impossible to lose 2 kg in a week without including movement in your daily life. It can be a daily activity of walking, which not only increases metabolism but also improves digestion. Also, travel, as far as possible, should be done on foot: stairs, trip between home and work, shopping. We can also include movement in everyday actions: integrative gym, telephone conversations while walking, “active” games with your children … Sedentary lifestyle is the first enemy of weight loss, and all health authorities are unanimous in saying that even minimal physical activity is essential for maintaining good health.

Tip # 5: Eat More Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are the allies for rapid weight loss. Also, to lose 2 kg in a week, it is essential to include a variety of fruits and vegetables on your plate. Rich in fiber, they are satiating and help regulate intestinal transit. Low in calories, they are nevertheless loaded with essential vitamins and minerals to prevent fatigue and weaken the immune system. In addition, they help avoid the monotony inherent in many diets. Vary the preparation methods (raw, grilled, steamed, roasted in the oven), to take full advantage of their taste qualities.

Tip 6: Practice an endurance activity

To lose 2 kg in a week, sports activity is essential. Endurance sports remain the best option, especially when practiced regularly and over long sessions. 3 to 3 weekly sessions of one hour, whether running, fitness, swimming or cycling, allow you to start weight loss (between 500 and 1000 kcal spent, for an hour of convenience). The important thing is also to choose a sporting activity that you like, so that its regular practice is part of a long-term lifestyle.

Tip # 7: Eat Mindfully

Very often, we eat without really realizing the quantities we are ingesting or the onset of satiety. To lose 2 kg in a week, it is important to reinstate a few rules, based on common sense:

These rules are all obvious and are not for everyone and yet are the essential foundations of sustainable weight loss.

Tip # 8: Plan meals and cook

To lose 2 kg in a week, it is better to plan your meals and cook them yourself. Industrial preparations are often very high in calories: rich in salt, sugar, saturated fat, and poor in micronutrients, they are characterized by their poor nutritional quality. Cooking your own meals allows you to control the addition of fat and salt. In addition, planning your meals in advance is economical (no unnecessary purchases), often better (maintaining the pleasure of eating) and develops curiosity and creativity, which are essential when you want to lose weight (less frustration). Form this article you came to know about how to lose 2 to 3 kg in a week.

What are the recommendations for weight loss?

Be aware that rapid weight loss is not recommended. It indeed involves many health risks:

Both the medical profession and the health authorities advise not to lose more than 10% of your weight over a year. For example, for a 75 kg woman, it is recommended to stick to 7.5 kg per year – or 0.625 kg per month.

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