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Does Exercise Help To Lose Weight – Some Surprising Truths

Does Exercise Help To Lose Weight

Does exercise help to lose weight? If yes then how. everything I will share with you here in this article. For people planning to lose weight, exercise often takes center stage and frequent gyms and fitness classes are frequent. While we all know that exercise helps us lose weight, today let’s review the reasons behind it.

1- Burning calories

Doing any type of sport helps us burn more calories, whether it is a low-impact sport like walking or a more intense exercise like weightlifting. Aerobic exercise such as cycling and swimming is believed to help burn the most calories, although the period of exercise often depends on various factors such as age, weight, and gender. The body continues to burn calories for 30 minutes or more after a vigorous exercise session which means the benefits of exercise go far beyond the time we spend exercising or walking!

Surprisingly, we don’t always burn most calories through intense exercise, instead, we burn more calories by walking a long distance than by jogging for a short time. However, the more you exercise, the better your fitness level will be. This means that over time it is likely that your workouts will get longer and more intense, so long-term exercise allows you to control your body weight.

2- Weight maintenance

People who want to lose excess weight often follow a strict diet. Although we always recommend eating a healthy and varied diet, cutting calories for weight loss is important first. In fact, exercise helps maintain weight loss after stopping the diet. Eating fewer calories tricks the body into thinking it is starving and as a result, your metabolism slows down.

A study on the effects of exercise and diet on obese patients found that exercise is beneficial to general health and aids in fat loss, lower resting heart rate, and improved heart rate recovery after exercise. Exercise is a better way to manage weight after eating a healthy diet. Therefore, exercise must be combined with a healthy diet to achieve ideal weight and shape.

3- Increase fat metabolism

Fats are broken down as triglycerides in fat cells. To obtain energy, triglycerides must be broken down into fatty acids by lipase, another fat cell, and use these fats as an energy source. Fats and carbohydrates cannot be broken down quickly enough to provide energy during a high-intensity exercise and as a result, the carbohydrates are metabolized to provide energy quickly.

This increases lactic acid levels which in turn block the action of adrenaline. Adrenaline is needed to allow fatty acids to be used by the body as energy. When fitness improves, the body is able to do more intense exercise with an increase in lactic acid. Exercising before eating may reduce appetite and increase fat metabolism since the metabolism rate remains high immediately after exercise. If weight loss is the goal, it may be best to eat right after your workout.

4- Improving physical fitness

For people with a low level of fitness, a high heart rate does not necessarily indicate an extremely high-calorie expenditure. Regular exercise improves fitness.

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