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Yoga And Weight Loss

Yoga And Weight Loss

Who among us does not dream of a slender body and a graceful body, and for that, some resort to adopting harsh diets and unhealthy diets? The good news for everyone looking for ways to lose weight is good news for the power of yoga to help them with that.

This sport has become popular worldwide. Especially some positions that help in the metabolism and metabolism process, as it is a sport that is considered food for the mind, soul and spirit.

And before the beginning, we review the importance of yoga:

Yoga is one of the sports known to the people of India and it is practiced a lot in it, as it has become very popular in all parts of the world recently for its many benefits:

But there are certain cases that prevent the practice of yoga for people with glaucoma or high blood pressure because some exercises may not suit these two conditions, so it is best to consult a doctor or yoga instructor.

The best use of yoga exercises for the purpose of losing weight is to practice it properly, regularly and continuously, with dietary regulation or dieting next to it.

The most important yoga poses to lose weight

1.     The occasional dance poses

This pose is specially designed for contractions of the stomach, thighs, buttocks and waist circumference, so people who suffer from overweight in these places

This pose can be done by standing on the feet together and raising the hand over the head with tilting slowly in order to take an exhale. You will feel a pumping and tightening in the middle of the thighs or a discomfort at first.

You can alternate the position on the other side. Just make sure to wear loose, comfortable clothes to help you move around more freely

2.     The position of the chair

It is so named because it takes the shape of a chair, and this position requires a great deal of attention and focus.

With practice, you will gain more balance, enabling you to do this pose for a longer period of time. This position allows to flatten the abdomen and thus lose fat around the waistline and also helps in tightening the thighs area.

You can perform it by raising the hands on the head and bending the knees up to the thighs in a parallel position to the ground while maintaining the balance for as long as possible. The position of the chair is characterized by its ability to tighten all the muscles of the body in general.

3.     Tree Pose

One of the best positions for the abdomen, arms and thighs can be achieved by standing on one leg without the other and elevating the other foot with the arms extended.

This position is one of the most difficult poses, especially for beginners. You can start by standing against a wall until you have the required balance. With an emphasis on continuous and regular breathing.

This situation requires a high ability to balance, which increases the rate of burning and strengthens your immunity, as well as it strengthens your leg and stomach muscles, and helps you to calm and focus.

 Stand with your legs wide apart.

4.     Boat Pose

This exercise increases the rate of burning, strengthens both stomach and back muscles, and also improves digestion, and if you suffer from belly fat, this is the best exercise to overcome stubborn belly fat and the best solution to it.

5.     Butterfly Pose Exercise

The butterfly position increases the rate of burning of the body as well as the energy in general, and in this position the abdominal muscles bear the weight of the body, and thus become stronger and also allows more blood to reach the body, which improves digestion, removes the body from toxins and reduces fatigue and stress.

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