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Lose Weight With Yoga Exercise Work | A Guide For Beginners

Lose Weight With Yoga

Lose weight with yoga exercise work because its the most ancient and useful way. Practicing yoga is good for the body and mind, because it helps to relax, eliminating stress. But it is often ignored that it can also make you lose weight if practiced consistently. Here are a few simple exercises to get you started: grab a pen and paper.

We all know it for its enormous potential in reducing stress and rebalancing mind and body. But perhaps we forget to mention it even in the case of weight loss: we are talking about yoga A practice that combines some physical exercises with meditation, ‘exported’ from eastern countries and increasingly on the rise also in western countries.

Yoga is perfect for losing weight because it teaches to pay attention to the body and to respect it. To treat it with care, which also includes following a correct diet so as not to ‘pollute’ it.

Another often overlooked benefit of practicing yoga is that it greatly improves sleep. Lowering the odds of compulsively binging on junk food, a habit that occurs eight times out of ten when one is tired, stressed and unable to rest well.

But to benefit from yoga, especially when you are not very accustomed. You must not start in the fourth, but gradually introduce it as a daily practice in your life. Inspired by the Women’s Health Mag website, here are some simple tips to follow to get started!

1. Start with simple positions

Since yoga has more to do with feeling good in your own skin and listening to your body than just burning calories, there is no need to overdo it with impossible positions, unless you can do it without apparent effort. It is much better to start with a lesson that you are passionate about and encourage you to continue rather than one that tires you to the point that the next day you already want to throw in the towel. And you don’t even need to do the same kind of postures or dedicate the same time to yoga every day – if you only have time for a sun salutation (Surya Namaskara) for today, that’s fine. Just do something every day to create a healthy habit.

2. Take a break … to breathe

One of the bases of yoga is breathing: deep breathing oxygenates the body and stimulates the immune system, which, in turn, increases metabolism and releases endorphins. Hence, this supplemental oxygen helps the body process nutrients more quickly. Therefore, it is a good idea to stop everything once a day and try to do this breathing exercise, preferably when you are not feeling observed, to focus exclusively on the breath.

This exercise stimulates the metabolism and helps to relax the spine: stand upright, with the leg opening a little wider than the hips and the arms along the body. Begin to rotate your hips and shoulders from side to side, letting your relaxed arms ‘slap’ your shoulders, like empty shirt sleeves. Let your head follow the movement, looking for one shoulder and then the other. Exhale through the mouth as you turn to one side and inhale through the nose as you return to the center. After doing this for 20 seconds, slow down the twist until you stop. You should feel a strange tingling and new energy.

3. Eat like a monk

It doesn’t matter if it’s breakfast, lunch or dinner, just choose one meal once a week and eat alone in complete silence. Focus all your attention on the appearance of each bite and its scent and how your body feels as you slowly chew, swallow and digest and try to see if you pick up the signals your body sends when it is full: what it feels like to to stop eating when you start to feel full? How does it feel when you overeat? Do you enjoy food more when you eat slowly or when you eat in a hurry? How do different foods make you feel? The answers will help you make the best decisions about how to eat better.

4. Do 15 minutes of anti-activity as often as needed

Never underestimate the effect of stress on your diet: too many hectic days in a row can turn even the most disciplined and healthy person in the world into a treacherous pizza and beer devourer. Therefore, in order not to run into this possibility, create a mental menu of activities that can be done on the spot with little or no preparation. For example, a nice hot bath with your favorite classical music CD in the background; reading your book of the heart; lie down on the carpet in the room, close your eyes, and clearing your mind. Everything all related to Lose weight with yoga exercise work and becoming healthy.

Do them whenever you feel the need to distance yourself from all responsibilities and obligations. Or, do you need inspiration? Light a candle, sit down and concentrate on the flame: begin to observe how its shape is constantly changing, how it is composed of different colors, how it interacts with the wick. For a few short moments, simply relax and contemplate the light.

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