7 Reasons Why You Should Not Lose Weight After Giving Birth

Reasons why you should not lose weight after giving birth? Weight loss after childbirth is difficult for many women, but this is due to the nature of each woman and differs from one to the other. This is due to several things, including the nature of the body, metabolism rates, diet, feeding method and other reasons.

Women gain some weight during pregnancy, and this is normal for the safety and nutrition of the child, but is there a way to return to normal weight and lose weight after childbirth? Is losing weight after childbirth difficult?

Average weight loss after childbirth

A woman’s weight increases during pregnancy for certain reasons, which can reach 16 kilograms.

The increase occurs for many reasons, including an increase in the size of the uterus, an increase in amniotic fluid for feeding the fetus and supplying it with its necessary needs, as well as the natural increase of fat, which makes the woman bear the process of childbirth and then breastfeeding.

In the first week of childbirth, a woman can lose about 2 or 2.5 kg, then the rate of burning and weight loss will gradually decrease.

Be patient and not rushed, as the process of losing weight after childbirth may take several months.

Reasons for difficulty in losing weight after childbirth

1.     Lack of estimation of food quantities

After giving birth, a woman confuses the matter between feeding to make up for what she lost, and the amount of food she eats. It must be known that even healthy food contains calories, as increasing the amount of food causes difficulty in losing weight after childbirth.

2.     Not to organize meal times

The results of the diet depend on the timing of eating, so eating at certain times is important, so that you do not have to eat at wrong times, such as the timing of the night.

3.     Lack of sleep

It is common for adequate sleep to greatly aid in burning fat and losing weight. Sleeping for long hours is difficult for a newborn woman because of a newborn, so the level of cortisol rises in the blood, and as a result, the rate of burning decreases.

4.     Stop breastfeeding

Breastfeeding greatly contributes to burning calories, so stopping them for any reason does not lead to weight loss after childbirth.

5.     Lack of exercise

The mother finds it difficult to get regular exercise, and this is a major factor that prevents weight loss, so the solution lies in allocating a specific timing for sports, even if it is short, and if it is a light sport such as walking, for example.

6.     Not eating breakfast

Breakfast in the morning is important in the process of losing weight after childbirth, even if a cup of coffee or tea is not considered breakfast.

Fast and prepared food is also an important reason for not losing weight after childbirth.

7.     Wear pregnancy clothes

The psychological factor always plays a pivotal role in the process of losing weight, so wearing loose-fitting clothes for pregnancy gives you the feeling that you are normal and that your weight is normal, so it is important to choose clothes that fit your size, not clothes during pregnancy.

How to lose weight after giving birth

There are some traditional and simple steps you can take to lose weight after childbirth, which we discuss in the following:

1.     Breastfeeding

The problem of not losing weight after childbirth has multiple reasons, the most important of which is the interruption of breastfeeding for any reason. In addition to the benefits of feeding the baby, it helps in burning about 600 calories on a daily basis.

2.     Dependence on protein

Protein has a great role in losing weight after childbirth, as it plays multiple roles at the same time, including nourishing the mother properly, feeling full and helping to burn calories.

Protein in general is an ideal solution for dieting systems, as it is difficult to digest and needs a lot of energy for the process of digesting it, thus burning a lot of calories as a result.

Healthy proteins are meat, legumes, fish, nuts, dairy products, seeds and eggs.

3.     Food rich in fiber

Insoluble fiber slows down the digestive process, reduces the effectiveness of hunger hormones, and contains fatty acids that increase the feeling of satiety.

According to a study conducted, only 10 grams of insoluble fiber is sufficient to start the effect of losing weight and burning calories.

4.     Eat healthy foods

Unhealthy snacks do not provide anything beneficial to the body, on the contrary, they create problems, and may lead to stabilization of weight after birth.

They should be replaced with healthy snacks, such as fruits and vegetables.

5.     Drink water a lot

It is natural that drinking large quantities of water every day has a role in weight loss, so if you want to lose weight after childbirth, you should drink about 2 liters, or a liter and a half at least, on a daily basis.

6.     Reducing carbohydrates and sugars

Carbohydrates and added sugar in drinks work for weight gain after birth, and if consumed too much, they may cause some other diseases.

7.     Get enough sleep

The number of short sleep hours is generally against the principle of weight loss, so it is very important to sleep enough hours.

8.     Aerobic exercise

The meaning is not related to the type of sport or a large number of times it is practiced, but only daily practice, even if it is a light-sport such as walking. Its really important to lose weight after giving birth.