The Korean Diet Enables You To Lose 10 Kg Per Week

The korean diet enables you to lose 10 kg per week and you must have to take a look at this diet. Korean diet is one of the most effective diet regimens, as it relies primarily on whole foods, not industrial foods. In recent times, the culture of studying the food systems of the eastern Mediterranean and northern countries and then implementing them has spread, but the Korean diet has proven with its benefits that it can be a basic diet in the region. It generally consists of traditional Korean foods, and is based on rice, fruits and vegetables.

There is from the Korean diet what is a normal diet and what is a harsh Korean diet, and before addressing them, it is necessary to take a small overview of the Korean diet in general.

What is the Korean diet?

The Korean diet relies on low-processed foods, and avoids preservatives and preservatives largely.

It avoids foods that contain saturated fats and reduces sugars.

They mainly rely on vegetables and foods rich in fiber, and green tea is their staple beverage.

The Korean diet targets foods that contain antioxidants, as well as those that help burn calories and reduce them.

The Korean diet depends on seafood, spinach, soybeans, lentils, basil, onions, garlic and other beneficial and healthy foods.

Piperine works to prevent the formation of fats in the body, and it is found in black pepper, so Koreans use black pepper in their food frequently.

Korean diet works to lose weight, or stabilize weight while giving the body vitality and freshness to the skin, and this is what we naturally see in most Korean people.

Red peppers, pickles, and cabbage are some of the traditional foods there, and they are obesity-fighting foods.

Benefits of Korean diet

In addition to losing weight, the Korean diet has other benefits in giving vitality to the body and gaining good health.

Thanks to its dependence on fruits and vegetables, it reduces the incidence of chronic diseases and heart problems.

The kimchi meal reduces cholesterol and blood sugar levels, thanks to the fact that it contains important nutrients such as red pepper, garlic and some vegetables.

The Korean diet works to treat acne and reduce its spread, and the secret is due to reducing the intake of milk and its derivatives, which secrete some substances, which help in the emergence of acne, especially for oily and sensitive skin.

One of the basics of the Korean diet is to exercise and maintain it.

This diet may continue with you for the rest of your life and not just for the purpose of losing weight, and this is due to the availability of all nutrients in it.

Gradually reduces the amount of your food, and its foods improve the health of the digestive system.

How does the Korean diet work to burn fat?

By feeling full and reducing feelings of hunger, because it relies on vegetables and foods rich in fiber, which help control food appetite.

The Korean diet aims to reduce calories on a daily basis by reducing the intake of sugars and fats.

Mainly relying on sports, which burn fat and calories.

Sleeping early, as it has a strong effect on weight loss, to allow the metabolism to work well.

Avoid eating wheat derivatives, and cut back on whole fats.

Drink warm water in the morning and before breakfast, with half a lemon soaking in it for a short time.

The Korean Dieting System

The Korean diet relies on targeting specific foods and avoiding other types, and the foods that should be eaten are as follows:

  • Vegetables of all kinds, can be eaten fresh without cooking, or they can be cooked or fermented and then eaten.
  • All types of fruits are allowed as well, and they are a substitute for foods that are harmful or high in fat and sugar, such as sweets and processed foods.
  • Rice as a source of carbohydrates, along with non-wheat grains.
  • Sources rich in protein, such as eggs, fish and meat.
  • Foods like Shiitake and Tofu are very suitable for vegetarians, as they are a substitute for meat.

As for the foods that should be avoided, they are as follows:

  • Avoid all foods that contain wheat, such as pasta, bread, ready-made cereals for breakfast, and others.
  • Foods that contain fats, such as fried foods and lean meats.
  • Milk and dairy products such as cheese.

The Korean diet plan

He follows a harsh diet, but its results are fast, and below we will deal with the details of a Korean diet in a week, and the details of the diet in detail throughout the week.

The first two days

  • Breakfast

Take two cups of warm water on an empty stomach.

A cup of tea without sugar, or coffee without sugar as well.

  • Lunch

A small piece of chicken, meat or fish, provided that it is grilled and not fried.

Fresh green salad dish.

  • Dinner

A small or medium dish of green salad.

The third and fourth days

  • Breakfast

tea or coffee without sugar.

It is considered the same as breakfast on the first and second days.

  • Lunch

2 boiled eggs without adding any spices to them and without bread.

Green or red apples.

  • Dinner

Eat fresh apples until you feel full, without specifying a specific amount.

The fifth and sixth days

  • Breakfast

Same as the aforementioned breakfast.

  • Lunch

A box of non-fat yogurt, so that it is low in fat.

Eat fresh apples until satiety.

  • Dinner

Eat only apples.

the seventh day

The same for breakfast, and lunch:

Eat 2 boiled eggs and eat them without bread or seasonings, and dinner only apples.

A very cruel Korean diet

It is a diet that can be implemented in several ways, which we review in the following points:

Potato diet

This diet depends on sweet potatoes as a basic meal in the three meals of the day, breakfast, lunch and dinner, and it should be known that there are several recipes that can be made with potatoes, so that you do not feel bored, and some vegetables can be eaten throughout the day to enhance burning.

Banana diet

Eat one banana for breakfast.

Eat absolutely no fat for lunch.

It is preferable to skip dinner or eat something very lean.

Taking into account the interest in drinking water, with at least 8 glasses a day. This diet depends mainly on the slimming benefits of bananas, and it depends on the energy that provides the body for the rest of the day.

Water diet

Drink water only for the first 3 days of the week.

Eat a different set of fruits on the fourth day, with the aim of replacing the vitamin deficiency in the previous days.

The fifth day is for vegetables only.

The sixth day, eat soup only.

On the seventh and final day, you can eat as many foods as you like.

The Korean diet is very effective, but you should be alerted and warned that severe dieting regimes, in general, may be dangerous for some people, and they cannot tolerate it, so it is best to follow up with a specialist nutritionist, to determine the appropriate diet for you. This korean diet enables you to lose 10 kg per week so what you need more!


The Korean diet system in general is a system followed by a large number of Korean people, and it is not a diet for weight loss only for them, but rather as a way of life they are accustomed to, and this does not include the harsh Korean diet, but the regular diet.