Fat Burning Exercises In The Least Amount Of Time

Everyone is looking for the best fat burning exercises in record time. If you are looking for an exercise regime to burn calories through a simple set of exercises that work to burn excess fats in the body. This system is based on doing three sets, including (A1 – A2), meaning doing the A1 exercise on three sets, then taking a 60 second rest and starting the A2 exercise. Try to determine your own fitness level to take adequate rest between groups. Repeat the same steps for groups B1 and B2

If you have a high level of physical fitness, you can attend these exercises for 6 months, while if you have a low level you can stay for a few weeks.

Exercises to burn calories

1.     Squatting exercise cup position

Stand in an upright position and leave a distance between the feet of shoulder width while holding a dumbbell and holding it between your hands and directing the hands near the chest. Work to descend the body to the bottom while maintaining the straightness of the back and then return to the starting position gradually and repeat that about 10 – 12 times.

2.     Pushup

Work on lying flat on the ground with hands resting and legs extended behind you. The body should go in a straight line from head to heel. And work to lower the body through the arms until the chest touches the ground and keep the elbows near your side, then work to extend the arms and lift the body up and this is the starting position.

3.     Hips lifting exercise

When doing this exercise, it is preferable to sit in front of a chair or bench and sit with the neck raised on the bench until the upper part of the body is on the edge of the seat. And raise the hips until they form a straight line from the knees to the shoulders and the upper back and resting the upper back on the seat and stand on this position for 12 seconds and then go down again with bending the knees and this is the starting position.

4.     Bar pulling exercise

Sit under the bar, hold the bar with both hands and extend the feet in front of you to work on tightening the body well. Then the body is raised until it reaches the chest near the bar, then go down again and repeat this about 10 – 12 times.

5.     Plank exercise

The plank exercise helps burn fat effectively and aims to strengthen the shoulder and back muscles. And it depends on lying on the stomach and then working to raise the body with the hands and toes so that the back and feet form a straight line and stay in this position for a period of time about 2 minutes.

Tips and foods that help you burn fat


It is one of the healthy foods that help in burning fat because it contains sulforphine, a substance that stimulates the burning of excess fats. It is also a healthy food ingredient.


Oysters contain fewer calories. About 6 oysters contain 50 calories. It is the richest dietary source of zinc, which helps you feel full.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil contains healthy fats and helps burn fat, especially when massaging the abdomen for it, or using it when cooking food or adding it to salads.

Rope skipping exercises

If you are looking for a healthy lifestyle, fitness and feeling happy. Instead of following unhealthy habits like sitting on the sofa, watching movies, playing video games, you can replace them by taking 15 minutes every day in skipping rope to protect your body from heart disease and burn about 100 calories a day.


This method is very suitable for burning fat, and at the beginning of the week, you and your family can go cycling around the city. About 102 calories are burned when cycling for just 15 minutes. .