Pastries with Strawberries recipe

Who could resist this fruity recipe? This fruity recipe is so wonderful that everyone loves it and definitely, you are going to love it as well. These pastries with strawberry look so seductive and are very delicious, the preparing of this dish is also exciting so you are going to love preparing it as well. If check out the calories on the servings of 4 then there are 1,128 calories and from this number, we can estimate that per person will be 282 calories.

This is a very easy recipe and we are going to prepare it in just 30 minutes and that would be worth it. We will need few ingredients and the steps are really easy to be followed, we have worked on it and we finally prepare this recipe in a way so that beginners can follow along as well, everything is described briefly, make sure you check them out.


  • 4th Tbsp butter
  • 2 Pk Croissant dough (ready-made dough)
  • 200 G Strawberries
  • 100 G cream cheese
  • 10 Tbsp sugar


1. The first step to prepare these strawberry pastries is to mix the cream cheese with sugar and you should mix it very well. Here you have to wash the strawberries and then cut them into large pieces and then mix them with the cream cheese.
2. Now you have to cut a rectangular shape from the croissant dough and pour down the strawberry mixture on its lower half. Then you just have to fold the dough over it, and then press it firmly so that the edges can be closed and you can do this with the help of a fork.
3. Then you just have to bake it until it gets golden-yellow in the preheated oven and you are free to follow the instructions on the back of the packet of croissant dough.
4. Before you go and serve your dish, you first have to melt the butter on low heat and then brush the pastries with it and then sprinkle some sugar on top of it and then serve. It will go well with this.