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5 Causes of Weight Gain and How to Stop Them Permanently

5 Causes of Weight Gain and How to Stop Them Permanently

How often have you made it your New Year’s resolution to get in shape and lose weight only to fail miserably a few weeks later? I spoke with a behavioural expert to learn more about why we spiral into making poor decisions and, more importantly, how we can stop.

The majority of people experience weight fluctuations, and weight gain over time is common. But if someone puts on weight quickly and without apparent cause, this can indicate a more serious health issue.

Many people are reviewing their life as the New Year approaches and making resolutions to change the things that aren’t working. The most common topic is probably how to get healthy and lose weight. While everyone is flocking to the gym in January thanks to these well-intentioned campaigns, by February you can discover quite a few pairs of sports shoes accumulating dust. Why is it that so many individuals struggle to keep their resolutions?

The M.P.H., C.P.T. Danielle DiDonato Martinez has a focus on positive behavioural transformation. She has observed the same negative behaviours emerge in her clients repeatedly for the past 15 years. But do not worry! Danielle will assist you in determining how to achieve your goals because she has the solutions as well.

Here are the top 5 self-defeating habits and how to stop them.

Habitual alcohol consumption:

This is the most typical thing I observe that is actually a barrier to weight loss. If you have the habit of taking a drink every night, you are not only eating empty calories but also frequently setting off a chain reaction.The cycle of drinking keeps going. You become irrational and make poor food decisions. Then, since alcohol disrupts your sleep patterns, you don’t sleep well. You’re tired the next day.You continue to choose unwise foods. You neglect your exercise routine, etc.

The Approach:

Why is this drink significant to you? ask yourself. Find the thing you’re missing. If you find that drinking helps you decompress, try foam rolling to ease tense muscles, or ask your partner to touch your feet. Play a stupid game with your kids, perhaps. Don’t then convince yourself that you will never drink again. Set small, manageable goals first. Make the decision to limit your drinking to Saturday nights or date nights.”

All or Nothing Thinking:

So many of us attempt to complete these enormous, drastically altering ambitions in such brief amounts of time. either a really severe cleanse or a 30-day 30-pound weight loss challenge. These reboots have the drawback of being unsustainable. People become exhausted, they are unable to keep up, and they experience guilt and failure as a result. Negative emotions are extremely demotivating and lead to ultimate surrender.”

The Answer:

“If you can only exercise for five minutes a day, that’s fine. You want to start building positive habits. 5 minutes will quickly turn into 10, then 20, and so forth. Start small and work toward your major objective. You’ll be guided toward that significant shift by it.”

Getting Insufficient Water:

When you don’t get enough water, you frequently mistake thirst for hunger and vice versa. Lethargy and overeating are caused by dehydration. When your body can’t remove pollutants, it can cause a variety of health issues.”

The Solution:

Think about your areas of achievement. Have a glass of water after each cup of coffee if you enjoy coffee and drink three cups every day. Always keep water on hand, and make sure the container is easy to sip from. You’re less likely to drink if you’re always struggling with the cap.”

Avoiding cross training:

You won’t lose a lot of weight if you consistently perform the same type of workout. Additionally, you run the risk of burning out, getting bored, overusing the same muscles, being hurt, or just not making any progress.”

The Answer:

Find out what you enjoy doing and what you are capable of. Consider that you enjoy dancing but lack the time to attend dance classes or go out to clubs. In the living room, jive!

Alternately, if you are truly committed to one type of exercise, try switching things up.If you enjoy walking on a treadmill, experiment with the speed, incline, and weights you use.

Remaining inactive:

Even if you exercise every day, staying sedentary for the majority of the day can prevent you from losing weight and, more importantly, may actually decrease your lifespan. Every 20 minutes, you need to stand up and move about.”

The Solution:

Reiterate: Expand upon elements of your daily routine. Make it a rule that you must stand up and move around when using your phone to check Facebook if you work at a desk all day. When you can walk, never drive. Get up to speak each time you answer the phone.”

You now have it. Start small, create wholesome routines, and widen your horizons!


Numerous factors can contribute to weight growth and changes in weight. Many people experience gradual weight gain as they age or alter their lifestyle.

Fast weight gain, however, may indicate a heart, thyroid, renal, or other underlying medical condition.

Anyone who gains weight quickly or unexplainably should consult a physician to identify the underlying issue and create a treatment strategy.

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