10 Simple Ways to Motivate Yourself to Lose Weight

The number one way to get your weight loss motivation back? Ditch the word “diet” from your vocabulary: Last year, Dr. Brian Wansink conducted research that confirmed consistent changes in our daily eating behaviors over time (as opposed to hit-and-miss diets) result in gradual weight loss and the development of healthier eating habits. While the results take longer, once your new habits are automatic they’ll become a permanent way of life – no more struggling, and no need for weight loss motivation.

Below are 10 teeny-tiny, itty-bitty changes you can make to your daily routine that will boost your weight loss motivation – big time:

1-Shopping with a list:

Those who shop with a grocery list are more likely to lose weight than those who don’t, according to a recent Australian study.

By keeping you focused and motivating you to continue to healthier eating habits, doing so maintains your motivation for weight loss in control.

2-Reframe your perspective:

You’ll lose your motivation to lose weight faster than you can say Häagen-Dazs if you approach your diet with a sense of deprivation. In instance, can you recall your most recent ice cream binge that resulted in you curled up in the foetal position for the following several hours?

The next time you’re about to go on a binge of hopelessness, think back on how wonderful nutritious eating makes you feel and how the latter makes you look like a walking Pepto-Bismol advertisement.

3-Surround oneself with uplifting people:

I’m not suggesting you shun everyone who has ever consumed a chip in front of you (I’d have to shun my entire family), but spend time with those who practise healthy eating during stressful situations when you’re most inclined to revert to old habits.

Use this method especially while dining out: According to a recent study, people who eat with others and must declare their food selection aloud tend to order foods from the same menu sections.

4-Apply the one-to-one rule:

When you do choose to indulge, follow the golden rule: a single chocolate bar. One pie serving. Ice cream with one scoop.

The days following Halloween are ideal for stocking up on fun-size items: It’s a simple approach to follow procedure and control your portion sizes.

5-Pretend there is no snack aisle:

Your desires will gradually go away if you stop buying junk food of any kind. When I first began my healthy eating journey, I had to walk to the store if I had a strong want for something sweet.

Fortunately, my dislike of exercise outweighed my cravings, and the procedure worked like a charm.

6-Between bites, put your utensils down:

I used to have trouble chewing my food properly because I was constantly rushing to complete it so I could continue working (womp, womp). By setting down my utensils in between mouthful, I was able to enjoy dining at last.

I eventually tasted the meal I was eating after taking increasingly longer gaps between bites because the process was so irritating.

7-Eat only in the kitchen:

Don’t limit yourself to eating in the kitchen if you don’t want your motivation to lose weight to fail: Eat everywhere in your home so that no matter what activity you’re engaged in, you are reminded to eat. Eat just in the kitchen to help stop persistent cravings.

8-Prolong the cleaning process:

I used to primarily use ineffective cleaning techniques to deceive myself into exercising more: I would take one bag at a time rather than lugging every bag of trash to the dumpster.

If I had to organise the coffee table once more, I would put each object away individually. It’s a quick technique to increase your heart rate, plus you’re multitasking in theory (cha-ching!).

9-Exercise when advertisements are on:

I’ve never been good at exercise; it makes me remember my PTSD from gym class in elementary school.

To overcome it, I began by exercising during the commercial breaks of my favourite shows. By doing this, I also indirectly helped myself eat healthier because I was able to resist wanting to lick the screen whenever a fast food commercial aired.

10-Acquire a fruit bowl:

Give healthy, no-prep snacks a prominent place in your kitchen. When you’re feeling famished and the first thing you see is a bowl of fruit, for example, you’ll be more likely to grab an apple and mosey on with your day.

Which advice for motivating weight reduction do you cling to?